Sunday, May 23, 2010

Farmers Market High Fiber & Fine Yarns Event 2010

Natural dyeing demonstration -A pot of Marigold Flower Extract

A pot of Scotch Broom Flowers

A pot of Eucalyptus Leaves (Red Iron Bark type)

Hanging to dry

Long Draw on the Canadian Production Wheel


  1. Nice variety of photo shots! I love the 'goals' section...makes me want to put to pen the ones floating in my head about fiber projects.

  2. I'm still figuring out how to know if I have any comments! I love making lists. I make longer term goals too. Sometimes for things I don't even know how they could possibly happen.

  3. are those eucalypts growing in your area or do you have to source them from a florist?

  4. My brother lives in Southern California and trees drop their leaves all the time. He sends them to me. We do have a few trees here and I dyed two or three skeins last year with leaves I collected off the ground. Madrona leaves and Walnut Hulls give a similar brown color but not the orangey one.

  5. All the other dye plants I use I either grow myself (Japanese Indigo, Coreopsis, Dahlia, Madder-still waiting for those to get big enough, or collect around here (Scot's Broom, False Dandelion, Walnut, Madrona, etc).
