Sunday, May 23, 2010

Farmers Market High Fiber & Fine Yarns Event 2010

Natural dyeing demonstration -A pot of Marigold Flower Extract

A pot of Scotch Broom Flowers

A pot of Eucalyptus Leaves (Red Iron Bark type)

Hanging to dry

Long Draw on the Canadian Production Wheel

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waiting for Sprouts

I've started seeds in pots in the mini-greenhouse. This isn't a heated greenhouse so maybe is really a cold-frame. There are five shelves. I've planted:
Japanese Indigo from three different sources
Dyer's Coreopsis

Directly into the garden by the house:
Japanese Indigo
Yellow Cosmos
Dyer's Coreopsis

I'm hoping the Yellow Cosmos and Dyer's Coreopsis will reseed themselves.