Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Katahdin -- My first really local fleece

I've been given a sampling of this fleece to try. It is from a "hair" sheep, bred for meat and sheds it's fleece instead of needing shearing.

The side that was attached to the sheep:

The outer coat:

Washed Shetland

Here is the Shetland fleece after two cold soaks and one hot with soap (Life Tree dish soap).

Combed with a flicker brush.

Yarn spun on Spindewood 1.25oz spindle.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Washing Fleece

Today I'm washing 2.9 oz. of Shetland fleece. I've been reading like crazy on Ravelry and decided to do a cold water soak first. I used a plastic basket style bin inside a plastic tub outside. The fleece is weighted down with some left over tile pieces from the entryway to the house.

Spindle Fever

My spinning skills have taken a dramatic leap in improvment. This is merino superwash singles.

Then I bought a new spindle and can do even more. This is merino superwash-alpaca.
This is still not local wool. That will come. I did buy some Columbia top that is from a local farm and some Shetland fleece that is not but I will be processing it.

This is the spindle; a Spindlewood 1.25oz (37g). I'm also waiting for a Bosworth 15g for very fine yarn or silk and a Bosworth 50+ gram for plying.

Today my brother-in-law brought over his brush cutter and I mowed the location for our garden beds. Next will be tilling.