I am way behind this year. I have not started any new plants! I've learned about a "garden tower" with a worm tube down the center that I like. I rescued some boards from the old farm plot today to make the tower part.
Trying some cold water dyeing today. Hoping the vats in 5 gallon buckets will heat up in the sun. I used all the saved vats from last Spring. Stuffed some white alpaca that had gotten a few moths (not too many but must get rid of them!) into plastic buckets, then poured the leftover dyes from half gallon canning jars onto the dry fleece. I made two or three layers per bucket. Then I poured the leftover cold alum mordant into each bucket too.
Bucket #1: Logwood, Logwood with Iron, Black Bean, Cochineal
Bucket #2: Coreopsis perennial lancelota, Coreopsis tinctoria, Osage Orange
Bucket #3: (2.5 gallon) Madder Root
Bucket #4: There's no more leftover dyes so I'm thinking about what to do with this one.
Pictures are coming!